Wealthy Bones Rank #2+

Pablo Escobar

Death Net Worth

£88 Billion

Estimated Today

£199 Billion
Updated : June 2023

Died : 2 December 1993

Best Know For : No1 Drug Lord

Death : Killed By US Navy SEALs

Age : 44 Years

Location : Meddallin,CO

Summary : Pablo Escobar was a Colombian Drug Lord in charge of the worlds most powerful and dangerous ''Cartel Gang'' which claimed the lives of literally anyone who posed a threat, Pablo was the No1 creator of drugs mainly being Cocaine with reports of shipments of more than 100 tonnes flooding the world and this would happen every 3 days at around £300M per shipment, he lived like you would expect with his main home in a secret Columbian location reported to be worth around £80M he also had holiday homes in Beverly Hills, New York City and Switzerland with a combined value of around half a Billion.

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