Bones Rank #155

Richard Kluklinski

Death Net Worth


Estimated Today

Updated : May 2023

Died : 5 March 2006

Best Know For : Gangster/Hitman

Death : Heart Attack

Age : 70 Years

Location : Trenton,NJ

Summary : Richard Kluklinski was an American Gangster and Hit-Man branded as the ''ICE-MAN'' and considered one of the most dangerous men the state had ever seen with a kill count of over 100, he was notorious for using Cyanide to kill his victims and worked for the ''Gambino Cartel'' who would pay him £95,000 per hit which made Kluklinski a very wealthy man he lived in upstate New York in a £700,000 home and drove a number of high value cars including a Mercedes Benz and Cadillac Escalade he was sentenced to 999 years and died in prison.

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